We want to confront anti-Semitism, always and everywhere! As artists, especially in places where we move and meet a lot. It all started with our call against any form of anti-Semitism, which can still be signed. But it shouldn't stop there.
AAA continues as a campaign and sees itself as a spokesperson for artists who want to commit themselves against anti-Semitism and join forces. We network, do social media, and provide you with our merchandise offer, which we will expand in the coming months.
The whole thing is now organized by a small volunteer team, mostly in Freiburg, with sometimes people from other cities participating remotely. We are supported by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, which, for example, collects donations for us, through which the campaign is completely financed. We work independently in terms of content.
We are open to collaboration with other initiatives and campaigns and are always happy to welcome new committed individuals. Whether you want to become part of the campaign as an artist, are interested in joining the organizational team, or want to spread and broaden the campaign in other cities – send us an email, we appreciate any support!